Texts to download

[1993] "Realisme en structurisme in de Britse sociologie",
Tijdschrift voor sociologie, 14, 3, pp. 313-334.

[1994] “De polemische eruditie van Pierre-André Taguieff”, Krisis. Tijdschrift voor filosofie, 54, pp. 40-51.

[1996] “La Légalité, la légitimité et la politique du ‘nettoyage ethnique’. Quelques considérations métajuridiques sur Max Weber, Carl Schmitt et Jürgen Habermas”, Mana. Revue de sociologie et d’anthropologie, 1996, 2, 2, pp. 193-216.

[1996] “Post-ism or Positivism? A Comparison between Theories of Reification and Theories of Post-modernity”, pp. 159-169 in Geyer, F. (ed.): Alienation, Ethnicity, and Postmodernism. Greenwood Press, Westport.

[1999] “Obituary - Niklas Luhmann, 1927-1998”, Radical Philosophy, 94, pp. 54-56.

[1999] “‘The real is relational’. An Inquiry into Pierre Bourdieu’s Constructivist Epistemology”, Sociological Theory, 17, 1, pp. 32-67.

French translation: "Pierre Bourdieu et le réalisme critique", in de Fornel, M. et Ogien, A. (dir.):
Bourdieu. Théoricien de la pratique (Raisons pratiques, no. 21), pp. 29-74. Paris: EHESS, 2011.
Portuguese translation by Gabriel Peters: “O real é relacional”: uma análise epistemológica do estruturalismo gerativo de Pierre Bourdieu”, Cadernos do Sociofilo, 2010, 1.

[1999] “Simmel and Weber as Idealtypical Founders of Sociology”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 25, 4, pp. 57-80.
Portuguese translation by Fernando Santana: “A filosofia marginal de Max Weber”, Estudos de sociologia, Estudos de sociologia (Recife), 25, 1, pp. 213-246.

[1999] “La double dualité comme principe d’unité de la pensée simmelienne”, in Simmel Newsletter, 9, 2, pp. 132-144.

[2000] “Introduction à la logique théorique de Jeffrey Alexander”, pp. 9-18, in Alexander, J. C.: La réduction. Critique de Bourdieu, Paris, Cerf.

[2000] “La loi individuelle. Une éthique nietzschéo-bergsonienne”, Simmel Studies, 10, 2, pp. 169-178.

[2001] “Théorie critique ou critique théorique de l’’asociété’”. Dialogue constructif entre Freitag, Gauchet, Habermas et quelques autres”, in Cahiers de recherche du Groupe Interuniversitaire d’Etude de la Postmodernité (G.I.E.P., Montréal), no. 54, pp. 1-80.

[2001] (avec Alain Caillé et Philippe Chanial): "Présentation. Chassez le naturel... Ecologisme, naturalisme et constructivisme", Revue du MAUSS,17, 1, pp. 5-21.

[2001] “Introduction à la sociologie (cosmo)politique du risque d’Ulrich Beck”, in Revue du MAUSS, 17, 1, pp. 25-39.

[2001] “Reconfiguration et rédemption des acteurs-en-réseaux” (suivi d’une réponse par Bruno Latour), Revue du MAUSS, 17, 1, pp. 117-136.

[2001] Latour, B.: “Réponse aux objections”, Revue du MAUSS, 17, 1, pp. 131-152.

[2001] “Les implications politiques de la techno et du MDMA”, Mana. Revue de sociologie et d’anthropologie, 8, pp. 259-270.
English translation: “The Political Performance of Musical Meaning in Rave Culture” (Unpublished manuscript).

[2001] “From Structuralism to Culturalism. Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms”, European Journal of Social Theory, 4, 4, pp. 479-497.
Portuguese translation by Diogo Silva Corrêa: “Do estruturalismo ao culturalismo: a filosofia das formas simbólicas de Ernest Cassirer”, Sociedade e Estado, 33, 3, pp. 653-674.

[2001] “Reification, History of the Concept”, in Smelser, D. and Baltes, P. (eds.) International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 19, pp. 12993-12996, Pergamon Press, Oxford.

[2002] “Working out Marx. Marxism and the End of the Work Society”, Thesis 11, 69, pp. 21-46.
Portuguese translation by Gabriel Peters: “Trabalhando Marx: O marxismo e o fim da sociedade do trabalho”, pp. 91-121 in Martins, P.H. & Ferreira Nunes, B.: (org.): A nova ordem social. Perspectivas da solidaridade contemporânea. Brasília: Paralelo 15, 2004.

[2002] “Relativisme, relationnisme, structuralisme”, Simmel Studies, 12, 1, pp. 41-84.

[2002] “Uncartesian Meditations on the Buddhist Phenomenology of the Nostril and the Dissolution of the Ego”, Psychological Foundations. The Journal (New Delhi), IV, 1, pp. 48-62.

[2002] “Empathy as the Foundation of the Social Sciences and of Social Life. A Reading of Husserl´s Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity”, Sociedade e Estado (Brasília), 17, 2, pp. 563-585.

[2002] (with Pels, D. and Hetherington, K.): “The Status of the Object: Performances, Mediations and Techniques”, Theory, Culture and Society, 19, 5-6, pp. 1-21.

[2002] “Reconstructing Humants. A Humanist Critique of Actant-Network Theory”, Theory, Culture and Society, 19, 5-6, pp. 51-67.

[2003] “How is Society Possible? Towards a Metacritique of Reification”, pp. 297-314 in Lehmann, J. (ed.): Critical Theory: Diverse Objects, Diverse Subjects. Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 22, JAI, Amsterdam.

[2003] (avec Laurence Allard): “Express yourself! Les pages perso. Entre légitimation technopolitique de l’individualisme expressif et authenticité réflexive peer to peer”, Réseaux, 21, 117, pp.191-219.

[2003] "The Nature of Culture. Towards a Realist Phenomenology of Material, Animal and Human Nature", Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 33, 4, pp. 461-475.
Portuguese translation by André Magnelli: “A natureza da cultura”, Cadernos do Sociofilo, 2015, 6, pp. 279-303.

[2004] “Les conditions de possibilité de la connaissance de l’objet et de l’objet de la connaissance en sociologie”, Revue du MAUSS, 24, 2, pp. 375-387.
Portuguese translation by Jonatas Ferreira: “As condições de possibilidade do conhecimento do objeto  e do objeto de conhecimento na sociologia”, Estudos de Sociologia (Recife), 2004, 7, 1/2, pp. 171-185.
Spanish translation: “Las condiciones de possibilidad de conocimiento del objeto y del objeto de conocimiento del objeto en sociología”, Estudos Sociológicos (Colegio de México), 2012, xxx, 89, pp. 315-329.

[2005] “Posthumanism, or the Cultural Logic of Global Neo-Capitalism”, Société (Montréal), 24-25, pp. 55-132.

[2005] “Entre science et politique. La conjonction du positivisme et du décisionnisme dans la sociologie du droit de Max Weber”, Revue Canadienne Droit et Société/Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 20, 1, pp. 157-169.

[2005] ‘The Archers: A Tale of Folk (Final Episode?)” (Review of Archer, M.: Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation), European Journal of Social Theory, 8, 2, pp. 227-237.

[2006] “L’archéologie du valoir. Amour, don et valeurs dans la philosophie de Max Scheler”, Revue du MAUSS, 27, pp. 138-175.

[2006] “Parsons, Talcott”, pp. 852-854 in Savidan, P. et Mesure, S. : Dictionnaire des sciences humaines. Paris : P.U.F.

[2006] “Réflexivité et modernité”, pp. 975-977 in Savidan, P. et Mesure, S. : Dictionnaire des sciences humaines. Paris : P.U.F.

[2006] “The Age of Epigones: Post-Bourdieusian Social Theory in France”, pp. 69-81 in Delanty, G. (ed.): Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory. London: Routledge.

[2006] “L’aftérologie et le décalogue de la déconstruction”, X-Alta, 9, pp. 195-206.

[2006] “Construction et critique dans la nouvelle sociologie française”, pp. 179-224 in Vandenberghe, F.: Complexités du posthumanisme. Trois essais dialectiques sur la sociologie de Bruno Latour. Paris: L´harmattan, 2007.
Portuguese translation: “Construção e critica na nova sociologia francesa”. Sociedade e Estado, 2006, 21(2), pp. 315-366.

[2007] “Régis Debray and Mediation Studies, or How Does an Idea become a Material Force?, Thesis Eleven, 89, 1, pp. 23-42.

[2007] “Une ontologie réaliste pour la sociologie. Système, morphogénèse et collectifs”, Social Science Information/Information sur les sciences sociales, 2007, 46, 3, pp. 487-542.

[2007] “Avatars of the Collective. A Realist Theory of Collective Subjectivities”, Sociological Theory, 25: 4, pp. 295-324.

[2008] “Sociology of the Heart. Max Scheler’s Epistemology of Love”, Theory, Culture & Society, 2008, 25, 3, pp. 17-51.
Portuguese translation:Portuguese translation “A fenomenologia como escada para o céu. Uma reconstrução crítica da epistemologia do amor de Max Scheler ”, in Miglievich Ribeiro, A. et al. (orgs.): A modernidade como desafio téorico. Ensaios sobre o pensamento social alemão, Porto Alegre: Ed. PUC-RS.

[2008] “Deleuzian Capitalism”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2008, 34, 8, pp. 877-903.

[2008] “Entre la voix et la croix, le don et la donation”, pp. 213-246 in Archer, M. and Donati, P. (eds.): Pursuing the Common Good: How Solidarity and Subsidiarity Can Work Together. The Proceedings of the 14th. Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Vatican City: The Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences. 2008.

[2008] “The Cultural Transformation of The Public Sphere. A Sociological Inquiry into a Category of American Society” (Review Essay of J.C. Alexander: The Civil Sphere), Constellations, 2008, 15, 3, pp. 422-434.

[2009] “Metatheory, Social Theory, Sociological Theory. Postscript to the English  translation”, pp. 290-303 in Vandenberghe, F.: A Philosophical History of German Sociology. London: Routledge.

[2009] “Realism in one country?”, Journal of Critical Realism, 8, 2, pp. 203-232.

[2009] “Language, Self and Society. Hermeneutic Reflections on the Internal Conversations That We Are”, Manuscript.

[2009] ““Obituary Michel Freitag (1935-2009)”, Theory. Newsletter of the Research Committee on Sociological Theory, Autumn/Winter.

[2010] “Immanent Transcendence in Georg Simmel’s Sociology of Religion, Journal of Classical Sociology, 2010, 1, 5-32.
Translated in Portuguese by Jorge Claudio Ribeiro: “Misticismo sem Deus”, pp. v-xxxvi in Simmel, G.: Sociologia da religião Ensaios - Vol. 1/2. São Paolo: Olho d’ Agua.

[2010] “Falsification Falsified. A Swansong for Lord Karl”, pp. 73-77 in Valentini, C. (ed.): On Objective Knowledge in Social Sciences and Humanities: Karl Popper and Beyond. Florence: European University Institute (EUI Working Papers, MWP 37).

[2010] “Nunca fomos humanos”, Liinc in revista, 6, 2, pp. 215-234.

[2010] “Pleidooi voor een postnationaal en postseculier Europa”, Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 11, 42, pp. 22-32.

[2011] “The books that Habermas hasn’t written” (Review of Habermas, J.: Philosophische Schriften. Studienausgabe in fünf Bänden), International Sociology. Review of Books, 26, 5, pp. 597-603.
Portuguese translation by Cynthia Hamlin: “Os livros que Habermas não escreveu”, published in Que cazzo é esse?!!

[2011] “The State of Cosmopolitism”, Cridis Working Paper no. 30.
Portuguese translation by George Gomes Coutinho: “Um Estado para o cosmopolitismo” (Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 90, pp. 85-101).

[2011] “Habermas, o papa do humanismo”, Boletim CEDES, Outubro-Dezembro.

[2011] with Jean François Véran: “A chegada dos Haitianos na Amazônia. Nem refugiados, nem migrantes”, Pittacos. Revista de cultura e humanidades, 23/11.

[2012] “Anti-realismo e os chamados ‘Estudos’”, Que Cazzo é esse?!!, 9/3.

[2012] “A terceira natureza. Reflexões sobre o futuro da natureza humana”, Revista da AGU (Advocacia Geral da União).

[2012] “Metateoria, teoria social, teoria sociológica. Prefácio à tradução brasileira”, in
Uma historia filosófica da sociologia alemã. Vol.1. São Paulo: Annablume.

[2013] “Metacritical Realism. A Proposal”, pp. 1-100 in
What’s Critical about Critical Realism? Essays in Reconstructive Social Theory (London: Routledge).

[2013] “Reification: History of the Concept”,
Logos. A Journal of Modern Society and Culture, vol. 12, no. 3.

[2013] “Globalization and Individualisation in Late Modernity. A Theoretical Introduction to the Sociology of Youth”, Idéias, 7, 2, pp. 115-172.

[2014] “O maremoto do realismo crítico”,
Teoria e cultura, 9, 1, pp. 8-30.

[2014] “Globalização e individualização na modernidade tardia. Uma introdução teórica à sociologia da juventude”,
Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 19, 1, pp. 292-343.

[2015] “Gestão social: Um campo de práticas em busca de teorias”, Cadernos Gestão Social, 6, 1, pp. 107-111.

[2015] “In memoriam Roy Bhaskar (1944-2014)”, European Journal of Social Theory, 18, pp. 112-114.
French translation: “Mort d’un
maître-penseur: Roy Bhaskar (1944-2014)”, Revue du MAUSS permanente, 10/12/2014.
Portuguese translation by Solange Maria de Barros: “Obituário Roy Bhaskar (1944-2014)”,
Polifonia, 2016, 23, 39, pp. 1979-182.

[2015] “Towards a Cosmopolitan Theory of Recognition between States”, p.p 325-338 in de Oliveira, N. et al. (eds.):
Justice and Recognition: On Axel Honneth and Critical Theory, pp. 325-338. Porto Alegre/Prague: PUCRS/Filosofia.
Republished in Revue du MAUSS permanente, 17/4/2015 [en ligne].

[2015] Derniers hommages à l'optimisme stratégique d'Ulrich Beck (1944-1915),
Revue du MAUSS Semestrielle, v. 45, p. 267-273.

[2015] “A Sociologia como Filosofia Prática e Moral (e vice versa)”,
Sociologias, vol.17, n.39, pp. 60-109.

[2015] “Notes for an Anti-convivialist Manifesto”, in Giri, A. (ed.). New Horizons of Human Development. Delhi: Studera Press.

[2015] Vandenberghe, F. (com Olivia von der Weid): “Introdução. A natureza da Antropologia”, Cadernos do Sociofilo, 6, pp. 1-19.

[2015] “Tartarugas ate o céu”, Cadernos do Sociofilo, 6, pp. 366-370.

[2016] (with Alain Caillé): “Neo-classical Sociology. The Prospects of Social Theory Today”, European Journal of Social Theory, 1, pp. 1-18.

[2016] “Alienation and Reification in the Bosporus” (Preface to the Turkish translation of A Philosophical History of German Sociology), Alman Sosyolojisinin Felsefî Tarihi. Istanbul: Ayrinti Yayinlari (Manuscript).

[2016] “Moral Sociology. The alternative to Value-Freedom”, Occasional Papers (New Series), University of Hyderabad.

[2016] “Cultura e agência: a visão “de dentro”, Sociologias,18, 41, pp.130-163.

[2016] “Sociology at the Scale of the Individual: Archer and Lahire Contra Bourdieu”, pp. 95-116 in Robbins, D. (ed.): The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu. London: Anthem Press.

[2016] (avec Jean-François Véran): Coup d’État au Brésil. Inversion et corruption du cycle du don”, Revue permanente du MAUSS (12/6/16).

[2016] (com Diogo Correa): “Manifesto”, Blog do Sociofilo (Junho 7).

[2017]: “The Relation as Magical Operator. Overcoming the Divide between Relational and Processual Sociology”, in Dépelteau, F. (ed.): Handbook of Relational Sociology, pp. 35-57. New York: Palgrave.
Em Português: “A Relação como Operador Mágico. Superando a divisão entre sociologia processual e relacional, Sociologia e antropologia, 7, 2, pp. 341-370.

[2017] Sociology as Moral Philosophy (and vice versa)”, Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 54, 4, pp. 405-422.

[2017] “Talcott Parsons: A teoria geral da ação e seu legado”, pp. 241-258 in Martins, C. B. e Sell, C. E. (orgs.): Teoria sociológica contemporânea: Autores e perspectivas. São Paulo: Annablume.

[2017] “To be or not to be affected”, Society and Emotions (TG8, ISA), August, pp. 10-17.
Portuguese translation in Blog do Sociofilo (11/2/2017).

[2017] “Being Being. Critical Realism, Science and Beyond”, in Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.): Research as Realization. Science, Spirituality and Harmony. Delhi: Primus Books.

[2017] “Critical Realism, Anti-Utilitarianism and Axiological Engagement”, Revue du MAUSS, 27, 2 (no. 50), pp. 347-358.

[2017] “O convivialismo no Brasil e na Índia”, Espiral. Revista do Instituto de Estudos da Complexidade (IEC), 1, 1, pp. 84-88.
En français: “Le bonvivialisme au Brésil et en Inde” (Manuscrit)

[2017] “The Critical in Critical Realism. Interview with Tim Rutzou at Yale” (Unpublished manuscript).

[2018] “Epílogo: da hipercrítica à reconstrução”, in Vandenberghe, F.: O póshumanismo ou a lógica cultural do capitalismo global. São Paulo: Annablume.

[2018] “Experiments with Truth. A Sociological Variation on William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 48, pp. 31-47.
Portuguese translation by Alberto Luís Cordeiro de Farias: “Experimentos com a verdade. Uma variação sociológica das ‘Varieties of Religious Experience’ de William James”, em Blog Sociofilo (Parte 1, 1/7/2019) e Blog do Sociofilo (Parte 2, 8/7/2019)

[2018] “Sociology as Practical Philosophy and Moral Science”, Theory, Culture and Society, 35, 3, pp. 77-97.

[2018] “Pierre Bourdieu, 1930-2002”, in Savidan, P. (éd): Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale. Paris: PUF.
Portuguese translation by Diogo Corrêa in Blog do Sociofilo (29/5/2017).
Expanded English version with Gabriel Peters: “Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)”,   Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.

[2018] “Principles of Reconstructive Social Theory”, in Steinmetz, G. and Rutzou, T. (eds.): Critical Realism, History, and Philosophy in the Social Sciences (Political Power and Social Theory, vol. 34), pp. 73-88. Bingley: Emerald Books.

[2018] “Les dérives de la philosophie décorative. Postmodernisme, poststructuralisme, posthumanisme”, Revue du MAUSS, 2018, 51, 1, 27-45.

[2018] “Het existentiële zelfgesprek. Een trialoog met Kunneman, Habermas en Ricoeur”, Waardenwerk, 72 (mei), pp. 47-54.

[2018] “Obituary: Under the Sacred Canopy: Peter Berger (1919-2017)”, European Journal of Social Theory, 21, 3, pp. 407-415.
Portuguese translation: “Debaixo do dossel sagrada: Peter Berger (1919-2017)”, Blog do Sociofilo (2/10/2017).

[2018] Relational sociology as a Form of life. In memoriam François Dépelteau (1963-2018), Canadian Review of Sociology, 55, 4, pp. 635-638.
Portuguese translation by Diogo Corrêa: “In memoriam François Dépelteau (1963-2018): A sociologia relacional como forma de vida”, Blog do Sociofilo (6/8/2018).

[2018] “The Tunnel at the End of the Light”, Theory. Newsletter of RC 16 (winter), pp. 11-14.

[2019] (with Stephan Fuchs):“On the Coming End of Sociology”, Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 56, 1, pp. pp. 138-143. 

[2019] “Jeffrey Alexander, a Statesman of Sociological Theory and Cultural Sociology”,  Sociologia & Antropologia, 9, 1, pp. 17-26.

[2019] “An Interview with Jeffrey Alexander. From Journalism to Cultural Sociology (and back via Parsons), Sociologia & Antropologia, 9. 1, pp. 27-40.

[2019] “The Normative Foundations of Critical Realism. A Comment on Dave Elder-Vass and Leigh Price”, in Journal of Critical Realism, 18, 3, pp. 319-336.

[2019] (com Rodrigo Vieira de Assis): “O indivíduo, a existência e a teoria social. Uma entrevista com Frédéric Vandenberghe”, Política e trabalho, 50, pp. 272-287.

[2020] (with Albert, K., Sweet, P. and Brundage, J.): “Towards a Critical Realist Epistemology”, in Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 50, 3, pp. 357-372.

[2020] (com GRAF): “Análise da disjuntura ao longo da pandemia: Um experimento de escrita sem partitura”, Dilemas. Reflexões sobre a pandemia, texto 66, 17 de setembro, pp. 1-17.

[2020] “Crise de légitimité dans la post-colonie. Analyse de l’effondrement systémique au Brésil” (Manuscrit).

[2020] “Sociologie de la conjoncture, de la structure et de la démocrature au Brésil”, Problèmes d’Amérique latine, 115, pp. 129-144.

[2020] “Demokratur in Brasilien. Versuch einer Lehre vom Systemzusammenbruch”, Leviathan. Berlin Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften, 48, 4 , pp. 637-654.

[2020] (avec Gauthier, F.): “Un programme concret pour une sociologie générale”, Revue du MAUSS, 56, pp. 141-144.

[2020] “La sociologie comme ontologie du présent”, Revue du MAUSS, no. 56, pp. 175-198.
Revised English translation [2022] “The Ontology of the Present and the Tasks of a Sociology of the Future”, pp. 181-194 in Dunaj, L. and Mertel, K. (ed): Global Dialogues in Difficult Times. Engaging Hans-Herbert Kögler. London: Bloomsbury.
Portuguese translation [2021]: “A ontologia do presente”, Norus (Revista novos rumos sociológicos), 9, 15, pp. 66-89.

[2021] (with Véran, J.-F.): “The Pandemic as a Global Social Total Fact”, pp. 171-187 in Delanty, G. (ed.):    Pandemics, Politics, and Society. Critical Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Portuguese translation [2022]: “A pandemia como fato social total global”, pp. 22-45 in Bosco, E. e Jardim, R. (orgs.): América Latina ante el gobierno de la Covid-19. Buenos Aires: Clacso.

[2021] “What’s Good about the Good Life? Action Theory, Virtue Ethics and Modern Morality”, in Philosophy and Social Criticism, 47, 7, pp. 814-830.

[2021] (with GRAF): “Brazil: The Real Dystopia Project”, Digithum, no. 27, pp. 1-11.

[2021] "The Axiomatics of the Gift. Alain Caillé's Reinvention of Marcel Mauss" (

[2022] “Critical Realist Hermeneutics”, in Journal of Critical Realism, 21, 5, pp. 552-570.

[2023]: “Tuning into Hartmut Rosa’s Systematic Romanticism”, Journal of Chinese Sociology, 10, 12, pp. 1-36.
Dutch translation [2022] "Afstemmen op Harmut Rosa's systematische romantiek. Deel 1",
Waardenwerk. Tijdschrift voor humanistiek, 10, 90-91 (winter), pp. 126-143. Deel 2”. Waardenwerk. Tijdschrift voor humanistiek, 10, 90-91 (winter), pp. 208-225.

[2023] “After Words: The Spirit of Evolution and Envelopment”, pp. 231-259 in Esbjörn-Hargens, S. and Hedlund, N. (eds.):
Big Picture Perspectives for Planetary Flourishing. Metatheory for the Anthropocene. London: Routledge.

[2023] "Sociology as Political Philosophy. Alain Caillé's Anti-Utilitarian Sociology",
Thesis Eleven, 147, 1, pp. 21-41.

[2023] "Le corps-continent. Hommage à David Le Breton",
Revue du MAUSS, 61, pp. 201-224.

[2023] "Obituary: Margaret S. Archer (1943-2023)", European Journal of Social Theory.

[2023] "David Le Breton's Existential Anthropology of the Body", submitted to
Body & Society.

[2023] "Life - An Ecology of Worldviews" (

[2023] "Sociology as Continuation of Moral philosophy by Other Means", Global Dialogue, 13, 2, pp. 14-16.
French translation
Portuguese translation

[2023] (com Thiago Panica Pontes): "Um novo mapa da teoria social", pp. 7-34 in Vandenberghe, F. e Paiva, A. (org.): Teoria social contemporânea: Um laboratório. Rio de Janeiro: FGV.

[2023] "Um programa de pesquisa em quatro linhas. Reflexões de um itinerário intelectual", pp. 35-60 in Vandenberghe, F.  e Paiva, A. (org.): Teoria social contemporânea: Um laboratório. Rio de Janeiro: FGV.

The Rise and Fall of Social Movements: Alain Touraine (1925-2023)”, European Journal of Social Theory, 27, 1, pp. 142-146.

[2023] "Sociological Aesthetics, or How to Make Sense of Symbolic Forms", The American Sociologist, 29, pp. 57-76.

[2024] "Le point de vue de l'animal. Ontologie, vitalisme et romantisme dans les humanités digitales", Revue du MAUSS, 6, pp. 266-293.

2024] "Brazil Moving Backwards. Same Crisis, Different Scales", in Vinzent, M. (ed.): Beyond the Timeline: Resetting Historiography, pp. 235-272. Berlin: de Gruyter.

[2024] "Marcel Mauss, MAUSS and Mausology. The Productive Reception of the Essay on the Gift in France", Journal of classical Sociology.

[forthcoming] “French Social Theory”, in Verschraegen, G. and Vanderstraeten, R. (eds.):
Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Social Theory. London: Elgar.

[forthcoming] "A Diagnosis of the Sociology of Our Time", in Collier, F. (ed.): Research Handbook for the Sociology of Knowledge. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar