My books



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Une histoire critique de la sociologie allemande. Aliénation et réification.
Vol. 1: Marx, Simmel, Weber, Lukács (La Découverte, Collection Recherches, Bibliothèque du MAUSS, Paris, 1997, Reprint 2002).
Download: Une histoire critique, vol. 1.
Vol. 2: La théorie critique, de Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas  (La Découverte, Collection Recherches, Bibliothèque du MAUSS, Paris, 1998).
Download Une histoire critique, vol. 2.
Also available on Classiques de l’UQAC.

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English translation: A Philosophical History of German Sociology (abridged version of Une histoire critique..., with a new postscript, translated in English by Carolyn Shread, Routledge, Critical Realism Series, 2009).
Download A Philosophical History of German Sociology.
[Portuguese translation: Uma história filosófica da sociologia alemã: alienação e reificação. Vol. 1 - Marx, Simmel, Weber e Lukács (Portuguese translation of Une histoire critique..., with a new preface, Annablume, São Paulo, 2012).

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La sociologie de Georg Simmel (La Découverte, Collection Repères, Paris, 2001/2009).
La sociologie de Georg Simmel

[Portuguese translation: As Sociologias de Georg Simmel (Portuguese translation of La Sociologie de Simmel, enlarged with a new preface, EDUSC, Bauru/Edufpa, Belém, 2005. Republished by Vozes, Petrópolis in 2018].

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Complexités du posthumanisme. Trois essais dialectiques sur la sociologie de Bruno Latour (L’Harmattan, Collection Diagonale Critique, Paris, 2006).
Download: Complexités du posthumanisme

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Portuguese translation of main text of Complexités, with new epilogue Póshumanismo ou a lógica do capitalismo global. São Paulo: Annablume.
Baixa: Póshumanismo ou a lógica do capitalismo global

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Teoria social realista. Um dialogo franco-britânico (Belo Horizonte : UFMG, 2010).
Download Teoria social realista

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What’s Critical about Critical Realism? Essays in Reconstructive Social Theory (London: Routledge, 2014).
What's Critical about Critical Realism?

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With Alain Caillé: Pour une nouvelle sociologie classique (Lormont: Le bord de l’eau, 2016).
Download: Pour une nouvelle sociologie classique

With Alain Caillé: For a New Classic Sociology. A Proposition, followed by a Debate (with contributions by J. Alexander, R. Connel, F. Dubet among others). New Delhi/London: Routledge, 2021.

Com Alain Caillé: Por uma nova sociologia clássica. Re-unindo teoria social, filosofia moral e os Studies. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2021.

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Edited Collections

Co-edited with Alain Caillé and Philippe Chanial: Chasser le naturel... Naturalisme, réalisme et constructivisme, Revue du MAUSS, 2001, no. 17 (with contributions by U. Beck, B. Latour, M. Lynch, K. Soper, L. Quéré a.o.).

Co-edited with Dick Pels and Kevin Hetherington: Sociality and Materiality: The Status of the Object in Social Science (special issue of Theory, Culture and Society, 2002, 19, 5-6 with contributions by R. Harré, B. Latour, K. Knorr-Cetina, S. Woolgar, a.o.).

Co-edited with Jean-François Véran: Além du habitus. Teoria social pós-bourdieusiana. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2015.
Download: Além do habitus. Teoria social pós-bourdieusiana.

Co-edited with Alain Caillé, Philippe Chanial and Stéphane Dufoix: Des sciences sociales à la science sociale. Fondements anti-utilitaristes. Lormont: Le bord de l’eau, 2018.

Co-edited with Olivia von der Weid: As novas antropologias. São Paulo: Annablume, 2018.
Download: As novas antropologias.

Co-edited with Margaret Archer: Le réalisme critique. Une nouvelle ontologie pour la sociologie. Lormont: Le bord de l’eau, 2019.

Co-edited with Thiago Pimentel: Dossiê: Realismo Crítico, ontologia e sociologia,  Revista Teoria e cultura, 2019, 14, 2.

Co-edited with Alain Caillé, Philippe Chanial, P. and François Gauthier: Nous l’ avons tant aimée ... la sociologie [Revue du MAUSS, no. 56, 2020]

Co-edited with François Dépelteau: Sociologia relacional. Rio de Janeiro: Ateliê das humanidades, 2021

Co-edited with Alexandre Paiva de Rio Camargo:
Teoria social contemporânea. Um laboratório. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2023.


Les Convivialistes (Caillé, Morin, Guillebaud, Vandenberghe, etc.), 2013: Manifeste convivialiste. Déclaration d’interdépendance. Lormond: Le bord de l’eau.
Download: Manifeste convivialiste

Os convivialistas (Caillé, Morin, Cohn, Costa, Vandenberghe, etc.): Manifesto convivialista. Declaraçao de interdependência. São Paulo: Annablume.
Download: Manifesto convivialista

The Convivialists (Caillé, Morin, Guillebaud, Vandenberghe, etc.): Convivialist Manifesto. Declaration of Interdependence (Global dialogues 3). Duisburg: Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
Download: Convivialist Manifesto

Convivialist International: The Second Convivialist Manifesto. Towards a Post-Neoliberal World, Civic Sociology, 2020 (June), pp. 1-24.

Internacional convivialista: Segundo manifesto convivialista. Por um mundo pós-neoliberal. Rio de Janeiro: Ateliê das humanidades.